2022 Senior Graduation Mass

2022 Senior Graduation Mass

Congratulations on your upcoming High School Graduation!

We will have a Mass honoring and praying for all High School Seniors, the Class of 2022 on Sunday, May 15th at 11:00 a.m. Mass. A reception will follow in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2.

If you are not able to attend the Mass, you can still connect your graduate to their Newman Center by filling out this registration form.

The Newman Connection is Keeping Students Connected to the Catholic Church

Newman Connection is a High School Outreach program that connects graduating High School Seniors to their College Campus Ministry program before they arrive on campus in the Fall. Newman Connection is focused on strengthening today’s Catholic young adults in the faith during their college years.

- 80% of Catholics stop practicing their faith at some point during college, while only 15% look for a Newman Center on their own. Newman Connection is making a difference.
- College graduates who participated in College Ministry are more likely to attend Mass, volunteer for leadership roles in their parish and consider a Religious Vocation.
- Want your student to stay connected to their faith when leaving home? Sign them up for Newman Connection by registering their name and college choice.

If you have questions, feel free to call Jen at 913-276-3147 or jen.zans@shoj.org. For more information about Newman Connection: http://www.newmanconnection.com/about/mission.