Transportation of Minor Person To/From School Campus
Transportation of Minor Person To/From School Campus
Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix
The Catholic Diocese of Phoenix "Diocesan Policy and Procedure for the Protection of Minors" as it pertains to Diocesan Personnel provides, in part, that "Field trips or other outings involving a minor in places and situations where no other responsible adults are present.." are to be avoided. The directive of this provision requires that another adult should accompany Diocesan personnel who transport minors to and from field trips and outings. Because of the limited number of participants in the Sports Programs of St. Francis Xavier and the time of day in which program events will occur, it may not always be possible to have two adults occupying each vehicle transporting minors to and from field trips and outings.
The Diocese permits exceptions to this policy only upon a showing by the school that:
1) a school has made reasonable efforts to have two adults present in such vehicles, but without success; and 2) a parent or guardian of any student participating in such program has consented in writing to allow such student to be transported in a vehicle occupied by only one adult. However, for the exception to apply the parent/guardian of the minor person must consent in writing.
I, (insert name of parent/guardian below), of (insert name of minor student below) have selected one of the three alternatives below by checking the applicable box to indicate selection:
Name of Parent/Guardian:
Name of Minor Student:
Consent of Parent/Guardian to Allow for Exception to Policy: I, as the parent named above, of the minor student named above, a participant in the Sports Program of St. Francis Xavier hereby consent to allow the student named above to travel to and from program events in a vehicle occupied by a single adult person at anytime during the 2024-2025 school year. I further acknowledge that I have instructed my minor child to occupy only the rear seat(s) of such vehicle. I agree if I wish to revoke this consent I will do so in writing and deliver such revocation to the Principal of the school.
Non-Excpetion: I, as the parent named above, of the minor student named above, choose to have my child always travel in a 2 adult vehicle.
Assumption of Transportation Responsibility: I, as the parent named above, of the minor student named above, will solely provide transportation to all activities away from the school campus.
Draw your signature into the box below.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Full Name
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.