Inspired to Serve! (Sunday Worship)

Inspired to Serve! (Sunday Worship)

Worship is our response to the saving news of Jesus and it is the center of our congregational life. At Resurrection Lutheran Church, we strive to conduct the worship of the Living God with deep reverence and in good order. In the past, there were many who assisted to enable our worship service to bring glory to God and encouragement of faith to His people. During the time of Covid, we shortened and simplified our worship service to lessen the chance of spread. As Covid appears to be receding as a major threat, we would like to renew our worship services. So these are key places where service by God’s people is most helpful:

Music: Pam Slater, our Music Director for over thirty years, has retired. The gifted Maggie Russo is our new Music Director. We are looking for people who may want to sing in the choir, play and instrument, or play hand bells. We are rebuilding, so this Fall will be an opportunity to reengage or get involved for the first time. All are welcome! Sing a new song to the Lord! (music director: Maggie Russo)

Altar Care: This includes preparing the Lord’s Supper and seasonally changing the colorful paraments on the altar. Usually, two people serve together for a month at a time, on a rotating schedule. (chairperson: Marcia Nelson)

Ushers: Ushers help provide for an orderly structure and movement before, during, and after the worship service. They help both new and regular attenders. On a rotating basis, two people serve per Sunday: seating people before worship and generally making sure the service runs without interruption. (head usher: Chuck Nieder)

Greeters: Only people who know how to smile should apply! It is nice to be welcomed into God’s house by a friendly person! Greeters "greet" worshipers and hand out bulletins. This can be done by a husband and wife or any two people who just want to serve together. This can also be a solo job. (head greeter: Monika Provenzano)

Lectors: A lector is a person who reads the assigned lessons for the day. Of course, a pastor could do that, but it is good for the congregation and lector to have various readers. If you are unsure of standing in front of a crowd, don't worry. You will receive training and help if needed. (scheduler: Liz Petersen)

PowerPoint Helper: This person will assist with the worship service PowerPoint on Sunday morning (changing the slides on the screen). You will receive training, help, and an outline of the powerpoint if needed. (scheduler: Liz Petersen)

Inspired to serve? Complete the form below to volunteer!