Inspired to Serve! (Church Property)

Inspired to Serve! (Church Property)

Who cares about God property? What is God’s property? You and I are God’s property! He made us and He bought us back from sin and death through Jesus. However, in this article, I am referring to the building and the grounds of Resurrection Lutheran Church as God’s property. None of us own it. The building and grounds are a gift from God for us to use for His glory. So who cares about God’s property? This question can be understood two ways:

1. It could be understood as a flippant question indicating that nobody cares about God’s property. There are some who don’t care about God’s property. They use it, sometimes abuse it, but do not pick up a single paper lying on the floor or parking lot. They will not lift a finger to help care for God’s property. Their attitude is that, “If it belongs to God, let Him take care of it.”

2. This question could be an honest question wondering who provides care for God’s property. I will tell you that many people provide care for God’s property! There are people who plow the driveway and mow the lawn. There are people who tend the flowers and bushes, rake leaves and pick up fallen branches. There are people who vacuum and clean the floors, wash walls and empty trash. There are people who clean the kitchen and scrub the floor. I don’t mind telling you that Marcia, my wife, cleans the bathrooms. That ought to humble a few readers, and shame others, as it does me. There are others who repair things, such as plumbing and heating, or paint things. There are still others who look at our property and grounds and envision new possibilities, and then work to improve it.

If you want to help care for God’s property, in the Narthex (entryway), there is a table to sign up in the various areas to care for God’s property. I am thankful that God takes care of His property, you and me. He has given His best, His only Son, to show His care. Let us care for His property, this wonderful building and grounds, so that it reflects His care for us.

Inspired to serve? Complete the form below to volunteer!