Inspired to Serve! (Church Fellowship)

Inspired to Serve! (Church Fellowship)

"The Gathering of God’s People"

There are a variety of names that the Scriptures employ for Christians who are gathered together:
The Church – the Greek word for church is ecclesia, which means “to be called out.”
This is the local congregation called out to be dedicated together to Christ.
The Body of Christ – We are connected to Christ in Baptism, and connected to one another
The Bride of Christ – Christ loved his wife, the Church, so much that He gave His life for her.
The Flock of the Lord – We are the sheep of his flock, He is the Shepherd.

There is a connection implied in each of these titles, a connection with Christ and a connection with others who are connected to Christ. This latter connection is sometimes called fellowship. It is important for individuals to get connected to one another in the Church. We need to know the names of those in God’s family. We need to know about them, listen to them, and pray for them. Paul says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:15). We can only do that if we know one another.

Covid caused isolation and separation from others. We want to counter that isolation with true fellowship and time together. Therefore, as a church we plan opportunities to gather such as:

* Coffee Hour after worship,
* The Church Picnic
* Special Dinners, including congregational and funeral dinners

These are times for people to get to know one another, and to get to know one another better. If you would like to support these fellowship opportunities, please visit the Inspired to Serve table at church, and sign up to serve. Don’t just blow off these gatherings as they are important places where we can support one another in life and in faith.

Inspired to serve? Complete the form below to volunteer!