After School Registration Form for 2022-2023

After School Registration Form for 2022-2023

The St. Peter Catholic School Program provides a safe and enjoyable environment for students to interact, play, and complete homework. Registration is required for full time and drop in students. The registration fee is $25 per family. Upon registering, families must note if they will be a drop in (occasional use) or a full time (regular use) student.

Fees for the after school program are as follows:

Drop in students - $20 per day per student

Full time students - full time students pay a flat weekly rate
$75 per week (1 student)
$60 per week per student (2 students)
$50 per week per student (3+ students)

The After School Program is available from 3:00 PM-6:00 PM on full days and from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM on half days. A late charge of $10 per 15 minutes will be assessed for students not picked up by 6:00 PM. There are a few days throughout the year that after school care is not available. These days are noted on the school calendar.

Parents will receive an invoice each month with the total amount due for attendance in the After School Program. Payment is due by the 12th of each month. Bills not paid by the 20th of each month will be charged a $10 late fee.

This form is only for families who plan to use After School. If you do not plan to use After School, please do not fill out this form.