St. Ignatius Catholic School provides a quality Catholic education for pre kindergarten through eighth grade students in a safe and caring learning environment.
If you volunteer on a regular basis and cannot keep your commitment on a particular day, please notify the teacher involved or the school office. All volunteers must sign in and out at the receptionist desk each time they volunteer. Volunteers wear a sticker identifying them as a guest.
In the course of your volunteer work, you may learn confidential information about young people and faculty/staff. You are expected to keep this information confidential in any setting inside or outside of the school, just as you would want your own privacy rights respected. Children's action, responses, progress or problems at school are not for sharing in the community. Conversations between parents, teachers and students in the school are to remain confidential as well. Volunteers are not to discuss any privileged conversations outside of school. Refer any concerns to the Administration. However, there may be times when confidences cannot be kept. If a student confides that he/she is being abused-or has a desire to hurt someone or him/herself, that information-must be reported to the administration immediately. Simply put - any information which, if shared with parents and/or administrators, may save someone from harm, must be shared.
Volunteer Dress Policy
St. Ignatius Catholic School has a specific dress code established for student dress. Although volunteers do not have a dress code requirement, it is expected that volunteers wear modest clothing while working in the school or during school activities. Workout/sport's attire should not be worn.
Transportation Policies and Procedures
In the event that a field trip or school event requires adult volunteer drivers the following policies will be followed:
• Volunteer drivers are asked to take the "Be Smart - Drive Safe” online class
by Catholic Mutual. Drivers must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older, have a current driver's license, a good driving record, have completed a driving background check via the CMG Connect website, and must have adequate automobile insurance coverage. The minimum acceptable liability for privately owned vehicles is $100K/$300K/$50K. The driver must provide a current proof of insurance. The driver is responsible for the safety of children and youth with him/her, and must drive in such a manner as to maintain that safety
• The driver and all passengers in the vehicle must wear seat belts at all times. Driver's must complete a Driver Information Sheet and turn the form into the school office.
Safe Environments Training from the Office for the Protection of Minors & Adults
All volunteers must complete the initial training course and then renew online yearly. http://protection.mobarch.org/training/
Code of Conduct
As a volunteer, I promise to follow the rules and guidelines in this Volunteer Code of Conduct as a condition of my providing services to the children of St. Ignatius Catholic School.
As a volunteer, I will:
• Treat everyone I serve with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity,
and consideration.
• Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition, or comparison
when working with children and youth. Maintain confidentiality in all matters related to the classroom including students and teachers.
As a volunteer, I will not:
• Touch or speak to a child, youth or-adult in an inappropriate manner.
• Strike, spank, shake, or slap children or youth.
• Humiliate, ridicule, threaten, or degrade children or youth.
• Accept or give gifts to children or youth without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.
• Smoke or use tobacco products while engaging in volunteer activities
• Use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at any time while volunteering.
• Use profanity in the presence of children or youth.
I understand that as a volunteer working with children and youth, I am subject to a thorough background check including criminal history. My signature confirms that I have read this Code of Conduct and that as a volunteer ministering to children and youth, I agree to follow these standards. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in my removal as a volunteer with children, youth and/or vulnerable adults.
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