Adult Volunteer Signup
This signup is for adult volunteers!
If you need to register a youth participant for the retreat, please go to https://web4u.forms-db.com/view.php?id=1545508
Thank you for volunteering to help. Since we have not done an Awakening retreat for several years, we really need help from adult volunteers as both front- and back-crews. A few notes:
-You must be VIRTUS-compliant (or Safe Environment-certified from your home diocese if you are not from the Diocese of Helena)
-There is no cost for you to volunteer on either crew.
-Front Crew: You are committed to being present for the ENTIRE weekend.
-Back Crew: You DO NOT have to be there the entire weekend.
-We will have separate sleeping space for adults on both crews.
-Retreat Starts at 6:30pm on Friday; we will conclude on Sunday at 1pm
Front Crew:
Leader: Shai LaFleur - shai.lafleur@gmail.com; 406.491.1970
Your primary responsibilities will be to be with the youth, leading and facilitating small groups and activities. Practically, that means: leading sessions, leading music, facilitating games, leading prayer, etc. That means that you will need to be present for the entire weekend. Before you commit, please reach out to Shai to discuss the weekend and responsibilities.
Back Crew:
Leader: John Kawalski - bozemancatholicym@gmail.com; 406.599.9892
Your primary responsibility is to care for the personal needs of the participants and front crew, creating an environment of hospitality so that they can be open to and stay focused on the Holy Spirit. Practically, that means: cooking, cleaning, decorating, setting up environments/games/activities, and praying for the participants. While you do not have to commit to being present for the entire weekend, we will appreciate having people who can commit to shifts of at least 4 hours. We will have sleeping space for those of you who can commit to staying the whole weekend.
Do you have any dietary restrictions, allergies, or other medical conditions we should know about?
For which crew do you want to volunteer?
Are you able to be present for the entire weekend? (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon)?
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.