Select Golf/Sponsorship Level (Includes 1 Foursome)
$5000 Exclusive Dinner Sponsor w/Foursome
Includes Advertising on Welcome Poster at registration table, on all Social Media for St. Gabriel Parish & School, One hole sign, advertising on the Golfer Gift package, Super Ticket, and Golf Cart Card. Dinner table signage and signage around emcee podium.
$2000 Platinum Three Hole Sponsor w/Foursome
Includes Advertising on Welcome Poster at registration table, on all Social Media for St. Gabriel Parish & School, Three hole signs, advertising on the Golfer Gift package, Super Ticket, and Golf Cart Card.
$1600 Hole in One Sponsor w/Foursome (1 of 1 Available)
Includes Advertising on all Social Media for St. Gabriel Parish & School, Three signs on contest hole, advertising on the Golfer Gift package, Super Ticket, and Golf Cart Card.
$1600 Longest Drive Contest Sponsor w/Foursome (1 of 1 Available)
Includes Advertising on all Social Media for St. Gabriel Parish & School, Three signs on contest hole, advertising on the Golfer Gift package, Super Ticket, and Golf Cart Card.
$1600 Putting Contest Sponsor w/Foursome (1 of 1 Available)
Includes Advertising on all Social Media for St. Gabriel Parish & School, Three signs on contest hole, advertising on the Golfer Gift package, Super Ticket, and Golf Cart Card.
$1500 Gold Level Foursome
Includes Advertising on Welcome Poster at registration table, on all Social Media for St. Gabriel Parish & School, One hole sign, advertising on the Golfer Gift package.
$1000 Foursome
$250 Single Golfer
Additional Sponsor Opportunities (Does not include Golf)
Lunch Sponsor - Advertising on all lunch boxes, on welcome sign at registration tables and on all social media for St. Gabriel parish and school. One hole sign.
Course Beverage Sponsor - Advertising on Welcome sign at Registration Table, Beverage Cart and on 2 beverage stations on the course.
Course Snack Sponsor - Advertising signage at 3 Snack Stations on the course.
Executive Hole Sponsor - Advertising on Dining Tables, Golfer Gift Label, and 3 Hole signs.
One Hole Sponsor - Advertising on one hole sign on the course.
Is this a Grizzly Team? (Grade Level, CYO, Alumni, etc.)
Golfer Information
If all information is not known yet, please complete as much as possible and send along information when confirmed. Thank you!
Golfer #1 - Super Ticket Purchase: this ticket enters you in all contests - 5 Course contests, Overall Championship, Putting Contest & Superball Contest. You will receive the ticket at the registration table when you arrive.
Golfer #2 - Super Ticket Purchase: this ticket enters you in all contests - 5 Course contests, Overall Championship, Putting Contest & Superball Contest. You will receive the ticket at the registration table when you arrive.
Golfer #3 - Super Ticket Purchase: this ticket enters you in all contests - 5 Course contests, Overall Championship, Putting Contest & Superball Contest. You will receive the ticket at the registration table when you arrive.
Golfer #4 - Super Ticket Purchase: this ticket enters you in all contests - 5 Course contests, Overall Championship, Putting Contest & Superball Contest. You will receive the ticket at the registration table when you arrive.