Pertinent Details:
Award Criteria: Funds are dispersed based on need.
Award Limit - 50% ($30): Scholarships will provide up to 50% of the cost of the event, which is $30; Participants receiving the full amount will be responsible for the remaining $25. We also encourage the local parish or Catholic school to also assist financially towards the cost.
You must indicate your home diocese. Each diocese will provide aid to those from their diocese based on their own respective review process. (Applications for aid from those who are from the Diocese of Helena will be be reviewed by the Diocese of Helena, and vice-versa for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings.)
Youth Ministers: You may either have your families submit this form themselves, or you may hand out paper forms, collect them, and then submit them using this form. Regardless, applications must be submitted online using this form; please do NOT send paper copies to the diocese.
Timeline: Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed by your respective diocesan office. They will contact you within 5 business days. If approved for aid, you will be given instructions for registering for Rally.